Special Issue Of Innovation And Development April 2023, Asia-Pacific Economic Review


1. Impact of Transformational Leadership on Innovative Behavior of Employees at Early-Stage Startup Companies in Vietnam

Dinh Anh Tuan, Tran Thai Duong, Nguyen Le Khanh, Le Thi Trang, Le Thi Huong, Vu Phuong Anh

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 3.


Abstract: The objective of this study is to explore the factors related to transformational leadership style that influence the innovative behavior of employees at early-stage startups in Vietnam. This study was carried out using qualitative research methods, collecting primary data by in-depth interviews and semi-structured questionnaires with 31 participants including leaders and employees in 11 startups. Research results show that there are 7 factors of transformational leadership style including: enthusiasm, trust, commitment at work, openness, multi-dimensional communication, awareness of individual position in the organization, resource synthesis affects innovative behavior of employees. Hence, the authors have proposed solutions to further improve the innovative behaviors of employees at the early-stage startups in Vietnam.

Keywords: Transformational leadership, innovation, startups


2. Corporate Social Responsibility: The effect of business culture on the confidentiality of employees in enterprises in Nam Dinh province

Do Thi Huong

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 13.


Abstract: The study builds a basic theoretical basis on business culture and employee engagement in terms of management approach to make recommendationsto managers on how to build a corporate culture in order to improve employee satisfaction. By quantitative and qualitative methods, the author has found the relationship between the business culture of enterprises in Nam Dinh province and the attachment of employees. The research results show that each aspect of business culture has different effects on employee engagement.

Keywords: Business culture, employees’ attachment, Nam Dinh province.


3. Factors Affecting Employer Brand in SMEs in Dong Thap Province

Nguyen Giac Tri

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 19.


Abstract: The study aims to examine the impact of factors affecting employer brand in small and medium enterprises in Dong Thap province. Research results show that: 5 factors have a positive impact on employer brand; in which the compensation policy has the greatest impact, followed by the co-worker relationship, the interestingness of the job and the opportunity to apply knowledge, and finally, the opportunity for career development.

Keywords: Small and medium enterprises, employer brand, Dong Thap province


4. Studying Factors Affecting The Intention of Using Non-cash Payment in Rural Vietnam

Le Thi Phung, Tran Thu Huyen, Dang Thi Nhan, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, Tran Thu Trang

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 25.


Abstract: This study measures factors affecting the intention to use non-cash payments in rural Vietnam. The team uses SPSS software to conduct statistical analysis of the data obtained from the survey. Based on the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the analysis shows that the intention to use non-cash payments in rural Vietnam is influenced by the following factors: Effort expectation, Performance expectation, Security and privacy, Social influence, Perceived cost, and Compatibility. The research results show that the social influence factor has the strongest impact and the security factor has the weakest impact on the intention of non-cash payment in rural areas of Vietnam. The research team also suggests a number of plans to boost non-cash payments in rural Vietnam.

Keywords: Influencing factors, non-cash payment, rural areas


5. Corporate Social Responsibility of Livestock Enterprises in Hung Yen province

Mai Thi Phuong, Nguyen Tat Thang, Ho Ngoc Ninh, Hoang Si Thanh, Dang Xuan Phi, Mai Van Binh, Gynnyn G. Gumban

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 33.


Abstract: This research determines the dimensions affecting the implementation of livestock enterprises corporate social responsibility in Hung Yen Province and assess CSR performances. This research used descriptive statistical method with Primary data. Secondary data were collect in Hung Yen Province to analyze the results of the study Corporate Social Responsibility of livestock enterprises in Hung Yen Province requires to be implemented in a synchronized manner. Livestock enterprises in Hung Yen province have limitations in implementing social responsibility. This research contents the core of livestock enterprises social responsibility in Hung Yen province. The core contents include: responsibility to pay taxes to the State; responsibilities to employees; environmental responsibility; and responsibility to the community. The result of research shows the current situation of livestock enterprises social responsibility in Hung Yen province, shows out the causes of the weaknesses and provide a solutions system to improve social responsibility of livestock enterprises in Hung Yen province.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; livestock enterprises; Hung Yen Province


6. Roles of Collective Economy in Enhancing National Defense and Security in Our Country Nowadays

Dinh Xuan Tu

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 41.


Abstract: Currently, collective economy, with its core of cooperatives, in our country has strong and widespread development, making significant contributions to strengthening security and national defense. However, besides remarkable achievements, the contributions of collective economy to the socio-economic development of our country in general, and to security and national defense in particular, are still modest, not commensurate with its potential. In this article, on the basis of analyzing roles, positions and contributions of the collective economic sector to security and national defense of localities and of the whole country, the author proposes a number solutions to develop the collective economy in the coming time.

Keywords: Cooperatives, Collective economy, National defense and security


7. Private sector in the field of civil construction in Hanoi: Reality and solutions

Nguyen Thi Mai

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 47.


Abstract: Implementing the Party’s and State’s policy on encouraging and facilitating the development of private sector, in recent years, private sector in civil construction in Hanoi city has witnessed a strong development in both quantity and scale, making an increasingly large contribution to the socio-economic development of the locality. The article analyzes and evaluates the achievements and some limitations of the private sector in civil construction in Hanoi. On that basis, the author gives the direction and system of solutions to develop the private sector in the field of civil construction in Hanoi in the coming time.

Keywords: private sector, civil construction, Hano


8. Errors in the financial statements of public companies in Vietnam

Tran Thanh Thuy

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 54.


Abstract: The prevalence of errors in financial statements in the world and in our country poses a problem to understand the nature, causes and consequences of errors. Based on the analysis of errors in financial statements, the article shows an overall picture oferrors in financial statements of public companies in Vietnam. Recommendations from the research results are aimed at target groups including public companies, independent auditing firms, state management agencies, banks, creditors, investors and other stakeholders. other entities using financial statements information. The research results provide clearer evidence of errors in the financial statements of listed companies in Vietnam, thereby contributing to enriching the topicality and importance of the subject of financial statement errors.

Keywords: Errors, Financial Statements, Public Companies, Vietnam.


9. Promote financial autonomy for revenue-generating non-business units in Thanh Hoa province.

Tran Ngoc Van

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 60.


Abstract: Researching and building a basic theoretical basis on financial autonomy for public nonbusiness units, giving the concept, role, financial sources, spending tasks of public nonbusiness units from time to time. which provides a mechanism for financial autonomy for revenue-generating non-business units. By quantitative and qualitative methods, the author has analyzed the status of financial autonomy in non-business units with income in Thanh Hoa province. The research results show the elements of revenue management; Manage expenses; Distributing additional amounts, setting aside funds; Budget preparation, implementation and settlement are issues that need to have a direct influence on the effectiveness of the policy of financial autonomy in particular and comprehensive autonomy at these units. Since then, the research has come up with solutions. Measures and recommendations aimed at promoting and improving the effectiveness of financial autonomy in non-business units with income in Thanh Hoa province

Keywords: Financial autonomy, public non-business units, Thanh Hoa province.


10. Controlling state budget recurrent expenditures – a case study at Nam Dinh State Treasury

Tran Phuong Thuy

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 68.


Abstract: The control of recurrent state budget spending through the state treasury is one of the necessary and important issues contributing to the effective and correct use of the state budget. From the current situation of state budget expenditure control in general and state budget recurrent expenditure control through Nam Dinh state treasury in particular, the article points out the achieved results and limitations in controlling recurrent state budget spending through the state treasury, analyzes the causes and then offers some oriented solutions for the improvement of the control of recurrent expenditures of the state budget through the Nam Dinh State Treasury.

Keywords: Recurring expenditures, state budget, State Treasury, Nam Dinh.


11. State management for agricultural cooperatives: theoretical and practical basis in Gia Lai province

Do Hai Hoan, Truong Trung Tuyen

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 74.


Abstract: Gia Lai has many potentials and advantages in the Tay Nguyen area, especially in agricultural production. Collective economic organizations are one of the important factors contributing to ensure social security and political stability. However, the scale of collective economic is small, the competitiveness and economic integration are still weak, the development level is not commensurate with the potential of the province. This article refersto the theoretical and practical basis of state management for agricultural cooperatives, studies from two casesof Kon Tum and Binh Dinh provinces, and then gives some recommendations to improve effective of state management for agricultural cooperatives in Gia Lai province.

Keywords: Cooperatives, Agricultural Cooperatives, State Management


12. Medical Staff’s Mental Health Status in Vietnam

Le Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Linh Huong, Le Van Anh

Special issue of innovation and development April 2023, page 82.


Abstract: “Mental health” is one of many key concerns that our society is focusing on in recent decades. However, in Vietnam, mental treatment is only in its starting phase and received little attention from the government. Even when Vietnamese people start to be aware of mental issues, oftentimes, they are negligent in considering a group of people that may need such health service the most: Medical staff. This research is conducted by the help of 200 medical staff in Vietnam, with a goal to reduce the risks of being diagnosed with mental health problems among medical workers and raise awareness about mental issues. Findings from the research have shown that medical staff is facing with tremendous mental health problems, which can result in many aspects of the society.

Keywords: Medical staff, mental health, Vietnam