
VID observes that in recent years, the number of firms having an impact in Vietnam has expanded dramatically. In addition, supporting organizations, incubators and accelerators for impactful start-ups began to develop at the national level.

With a purpose to promote knowledge and comprehension of social creativity, VID recognizes that research and education on social creativity and social entrepreneurship in Vietnam appear to be behind market and commercial practices. Therefore, VID organizes the ImpacTalk event series with its partners via the platform.

Impactalk are knowledge-sharing events as a sharing circle of academics, researchers, practitioners, and others interested in new trends, new methods, theories, and new development models relating to innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development.

ImpacTalk aims to be a place where lecturers, researchers, and businesses can learn more about new knowledge and practices, upgrade their knowledge, perspectives, and visions of themselves as well as of the organization, and thereby contribute to a new level of innovation and social creativity in Vietnam, in line with global best practices. 

ImpacTalk takes 90 minutes to discuss new social innovation-related information, new development philosophies, and methodologies. The program is anticipated to consist of a monthly series of 45-person gatherings.