The report was conducted in 2021, using a systematic approach and qualitative research including desk research and interviews to explore the root causes of university graduates’ unemployment, from which raises the possibility of cooperation between the partners of World University Service of Canada (WUSC) in Vietnam, helping to solve the above problem.
The report identifies 4 problems of Vietnamese youth related to job opportunities: lack of motivation, lack of job skills, a lack of information access for young people in rural regions, and digital skills for female groups.
The main challenges faced by young people in relation to employment opportunities are the high youth unemployment rate, highest among young university graduates, and the high proportion of young people working in the informal sector, especially women working in the informal sector are higher than men, the rate of enterprises having to retrain personnel, especially university graduates is very high, and finally, young people are the most likely to be superseded by automation and digitization after Covid-19 pandemic.
The involvement of the public sector, schools (including schools and universities), international funding, and the contemporary entrepreneurship movement are some of the factors boosting young job options.
Awareness raising, work readiness development, career advice, and job matching are all suggested intervention areas.
Action plans have been suggested for each area of interaction with beneficiaries, implementation by WUSC partners, external partners in need of collaboration, and the involvement of WUSC volunteers in each activity.
The report was made under a research consulting contract ordered by the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) with the research team of the VID Institute.
Photo of a stakeholder consultation event to receive feedback on the September 2022 preliminary research results